African Scholar Journal of Contemporary Education Research Vol. 18 No. 8


VOL. 18 NO. 8 SEPTEMBER, 2020 ISSN: 2359–1991



Published by:

African Scholar Publications and Research International,

Centre for African Studies,

University of Ibadan, PO Box 10108, U.I. Post Office,

Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria – West Africa.



Copyright © 2020 African Scholar Publications and Research International.


Impact of Teachers’ Quality on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in North Central Zone, Nigeria


*Usman Mohammed and **Dr. Abubakar M. Jumare

*Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria **Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria



This study was conducted on impact teachers’ quality on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in north central zone, Nigeria. The study has two objectives among which are; find out the impact Teachers’ Classroom Organization on Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in North Central Zone, Nigeria; determine the impact Teachers’ Communication skills on Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in North Central Zone, Nigeria;. In line with these objectives, two research questions, two null hypotheses were formulated. Related literatures were reviewed. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study, a total of 380 respondents were sampled from the total population of 46077, through the use of research advisor (2006). A structured questionnaire designed on 5 point likert scale was used to collect data from the respondents. The data collected were presented in table and were analyzed using weighted mean to analyze the responses of the respondents to the research questions. The two null hypotheses were tested using One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 alpha levels of significance. Descriptive statistic was used to analyze the bio- data of the respondents. Major findings of the study were; Proper arrangement of classroom facilities by teachers led to positive classroom environment which further enhances students’ academic performance in secondary schools in North-Central Zone, Nigeria, Teachers’ communication skills make lessons engaging and interesting which improves students’ academic performance in secondary schools in North-Central Zone, Nigeria.. The following recommendations were made: Every single teacher should be afforded the opportunity for a refresher course on classroom organization, this will make him or her master of his class and the student will respect him for that. Every teacher should deliberately develop capacity for effective communication in his or her area of specialization through continuous reading, refresher courses and been conversant with dynamics of change in area of specialty. The study concluded that Teachers’ quality is a potent tool for determining students’ academic performance and second to none factor in determining the effectiveness and efficiency of curriculum implementation in secondary schools in North Central Zone Nigeria. Teacher quality is therefore a panacea to students poor performance if given due attention.  

Keywords: Impact, Teachers’ Quality, Students’ Academic Performance, Secondary, Schools.



A Quantitative Study of Career Counselling and Graduate Youths Unemployment in Jalingo Local Government Area of Taraba State


*Ako, J. A. (PhD); *Obinne, A. D. (PhD); & **Ezekiel, A. J.

*Department of Educational Foundations and General Studies, College of Agricultural and Science Education, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State. **Department of Geography, College of Education, Zing, Taraba State.



This paper empirically studied the significant role of career/employment counselling agencies in tackling unemployment rates among unemployed graduate youths in Jalingo L.G.A of Taraba State. In order to achieve the aim of study, two (2) research questions and two (2) research hypotheses guided the study. Three thousand seven hundred and fifty (3,750) NDE and N-Power staff in Jalingo local government area constituted the target population for the study. Out of which three hundred and sixty (360) sample size was selected with the aid of random sampling technique. A self- developed questionnaire titled “Youth Unemployment in relation to Career Counselling Questionnaire (YUCCQ) was used as the instrument for data collection. The instrument yielded reliability coefficient of 68.6% when calculated with the aid of Cronbach’s Reliability Analysis. Mean and standard deviation was used for answering the research questions while research hypotheses were tested with the aid of Chi-square (X2) analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that unemployment significantly impact on psychological disposition of unemployed graduate youths in the study area, and that employment counselling agencies played significant role in tackling unemployment rates among unemployed graduate youths in Jalingo local government area of Taraba State. The paper therefore concluded that unemployment affects unemployed graduate youths psychologically and that career counselling ought to be well- equipped so as to tackle unemployment rates among youths in the study area. It was recommended among others that government should provide facilities for career counsellors to enable them discharge their duties accordingly, and that skills acquisition programmes should be provided for youths during the national youth service scheme to increase their employment chances.

Keywords: Career counselling, unemployment, graduate youth, skill acquisition, NDE, N-Power




Management and Sustainabity of Peace Education and Peace Culture in Nigeria Secondary Schools


Ige, Binta Philomina

Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi



Peace is imperative in all societies and without peace there can be no meaningful development. Peace has remained a desired virtue right from primordial societies up to even modernity. This suggests that all facets of human endeavour including the educational system should key into the maintenance of peaceful co-existence. This paper seeks to explore the role of school administration in peace building in Nigeria secondary schools. It discusses the phenomenon of dwindling economic resources and sees it as a potent tool capable of creating disharmony in schools.  The paper recommends among other things a synergy between the school, community and government in maintenance of peace in school and indeed the larger society.

Key words: Peace Education, Management and Sustenance of Peace, School Administrators




Implementation of Communicative Activities Based Instruction in English Listening and Speaking Skills Class in Gombe State, Nigeria.


*Agbo, David Oklo; **Ibrahim, Salihu Khadijat; and ***Baba, Lydia

*Federal University of Kashere, Faculty of Education, Department Arts and Social Science Education, Gombe State. **University of Abuja, Faculty of Education, Department of Arts Education, Abuja, FCT. ***Niger State College of Education, Minna, Niger State



This paper aims to expand the implementation of communicative activities in English Listening and Speaking skills in English classrooms in Nigeria. It is mainly taken from these aspects: Pointing out teacher’s role in communicative activities; Special communicative activities based classroom; and Teacher/Learners’ activities. It is believed that communicative activities in classroom is an effective way both for teachers’ teaching listening and speaking and for learners’ learning listening and speaking skills if they are appropriately implemented.

Keywords: Implementation, Communicative, Activities based, Listening and Speaking skills, and Classroom.




Relevance of Electronic Media towards Achieving the Goals and Objectives of Open and Distance Learning in Social Studies Education in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions


Dr Dauda Adeyemo Ariya; Lukman Olayinka Shittu; & Mariam Bunmi Ariya

University of Jos, Department of Social Science Education.



This paper examined the relevance of electronic media towards achieving the goals and objectives of open and distance learning in Social Studies education in Nigerian tertiary institutions. The world has become a global village and the place of electronic media continued to prove relevance across board. People want to work and school as they have to pay for alot of services and upkeep which justifies the need for distance and open learning which will provide for convenience learning at one’s leisure time. Electronic media includes the use of mainstream media with computer inclusive to achieve the aim and objectives of open and distance learning. The essence of open and distance learning as it were is to give room for learners to learn and participate in learning from any place of their choice at their convenience which permit them to work and learn.  The paper carefully discussed the use of electronic media, the guidelines, the relevance and some challenges where equally pinpointed. In the teaching of social studies the paper also portrayed how electronic media can be fully harnessed to maximize the goals and objectives of distance learning in Nigeria as it were. The paper concluded by pointing out that, the proper use of electronic media in teaching and learning of social studies in our tertiary institutions is a gateway to actualizing of the mandate and philosophy of open and distance learning in Nigeria for education for all.

Keywords: Electronic devices, social studies, open learning, distance learning, and tertiary institution




Relationship between Pattern of Study and Anxiety on Academic Performance of Diploma Students Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria


Dr. Umar Goni & Professor Ali Mburza

Department of Education, University of Maiduguri.



This research examined relationship between pattern of study and anxiety on students’ academic performance of Diploma students in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri, Bm orno State. Correlation design was used in the study. The study had two research objectives to determine: pattern of study and academic performance of Diploma students of Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri and anxiety and academic performance of Diploma students of Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri. Three thousand six hundred and sixty-two (3,662) National Diploma students of Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri, during 2019/2020 academic session served as the population of the study, 513 students randomly selected were used as sample for the study. Pattern of Study and Anxiety on Students Academic Performance Questionnaire (PSASAPQ) was used for data collection in the study. The questionnaire was pilot tested and a reliability index of 0.87 was found. The data collected were analyzed using Person Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The findings of the study revealed that there was significant relationship between pattern of study and academic performance and there was no significant relationship between anxiety and academic performance of Diploma students in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri. Recommendation were made based on the findings that Diploma students of Ramat Polytechnic should retain their pattern of study and continually plan their pattern of study. The students should organize group discussion, among themselves, plan their personal time table and use the library regularly. Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri Management in collaboration with school counsellors should at the beginning of examinations organize sensitization lectures on anxiety and its implications on academic performance.    

Keywords: Relationship, Pattern of Study, Anxiety, Academic Performance, Ramat Polytechnic




Provision and Management of Free and Compulsory ICT Integration among School Principals and Teachers for Quality Teaching and Learning in 21st Century


*Umar Zarau Sidi; **Yunusa Musa Zakari; **Sadiq Garba Abubakar; & **Abubakar Falalu

*Department of English, School of Languages, Adamu Augie College of Education Argungu, Kebbi State. **School of Educational Services, Aminu Saleh College of Education Azare, Bauchi State.



This study examined the Provision and Management of Free and Compulsory Information and Communication Technology Integration among School Teachers and Principals for Quality Teaching, and Learning in public Secondary Schools in Sokoto State Nigeria. The objectives of the study sought to ascertain the effectiveness and usage of ICT integration by school principals and teachers for quality teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Sokoto State and to investigate the challenges face by principals and teachers in ICT application in school administration in public secondary schools in Sokoto State. A survey research design was used in the study. The target population of the study consist of all the principals and teachers in senior secondary schools in Sokoto State. Purposive sa well as the stratified sampling technique was employed in selecting 40 principals and 320 teachers across all the schools that have functioning ICT unit. The instrument for the study was questionnaire which was entitle “Principals and Teachers  Perception on ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning in Senior Secondary Schools” (PTPICTITL) the questionnaire was adapted by the researcher and validate by two expert in the Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Federal University of Kashere. The data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The analysis includes both descriptive and inferential analysis. The researchers used descriptive analysis to analyze the frequency and percentage of the overall population in the demographic background. Besides, it is also used to determine the frequency and percentage as well as to identify the effectiveness of ICT integration for students in teaching and learning in senior secondary schools in Sokoto State. The study stipulated that majority of the principals agreed that they lack training in ICT related packages, similarly 80% of the teachers lamented that they lack enough training and professional development that would geared teachers productivity in ICT integration in teaching. In conclusion, the study revealed that principals lack supports from the school top management that discourages them using ICT, whileas teachers equally position that they lack supports from the school top management that discourages them from using ICT. The study recommended that Firstly, the government should introduce compulsory computer training for all principals and teachers. This would equip all the principals with ICT skills. All schools should have internet connectivity to enable principals and teachers to use ICT in the schools. This would help in communication as well as academic research.

Keywords: Provision, Management, Information and Communication Technology, Integration, Teaching and Learning




A Survey of Information and Communication Technology Resources for Instructional Delivery in Universities in Adamawa State, Nigeria


*Zubairu Suleiman; *Aderonke Kofo Soetan; & **Oyeronke Olufunmilola Ogunlade

*Department of Science Education, Gombe State University, Gombe, Nigeria **Department of Educational Technology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria



One of the awakening challenges and opportunities for 21st Century educators in Sub-Saharan Africa is in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education. ICT in education provides effective means of delivering instructional contents in a more systematic way. This study, therefore examined key ICT resources for instructional delivery in terms of their availability and utilization across three universities in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The study adopted a quantitative survey and sampled 214 lecturers from Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTECH), Yola, Adamawa State University (ADSU), Mubi, and American University of Nigeria (AUN), Yola. Respondents were drawn using stratified and proportionate random sampling techniques. A checklist and questionnaire were adopted for data collection in this study. The findings revealed that there is a differential deployment in hardware, software and ICT infrastructure among the three universities in Adamawa State in favour of AUN. It was also discovered that lecturers in Adamawa State perceived ICT resources to be useful for teaching, research, and social interaction. The study concluded that resource-gaps exist in ICT among universities in Adamawa State. These gaps manifest in terms of availability of ICT resources for instruction, and competency of lecturers in utilizing the ICT resources for instructional delivery. The study recommended among others that more ICT resources and competency in the use of the resources for instruction are required from Management and staff of the institutions for effective awakening of the challenges and opportunities offered by ICT in the 21st Century.

Keywords: 21st Century Opportunities for Educators, ICT resources, Instructional Delivery, Universities.




Relationship between Motivation and Teachers’ Job Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria.


Yakubu, Sani; Kehinde Adewale Ayotunde; & Osuobeni Ekoi Akponimisingha

Nasarawa State Universiy, Keffi, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Management



The study examined relationship between motivation and teachers’ Job performance in public secondary schools in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. Three (3) research Questions were raised with corresponding three (3) objectives and three (3) null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. A cross sectional survey research design was used. The population of the study was 2499 teachers from 186 public secondary schools distributed within the six (6) education districts. The sample size was 239 using simple random sampling technique. One self designed structure questionnaire was used for data titled “relationship between motivation and teachers’ Job performance” (RBMTJP). Validation of the instrument was done with validity index of 0.79. The coefficient of internal consistency of 0.83 was obtained after pilot testing the instrument. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions while pearsons’ product moment correlation coefficient (r) (PPMCC) was used to test hypotheses 1-3 at 0.05 level of significance. One of the findings of the study revealed that there was a significant relationship between recognition and teachers’ job performance in public secondary schools in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. One of the recommendations of the study was that, all school administrators should provide an avenue for recognizing teachers’ effort at work place in order to ensure better job performance in public secondary schools in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria.

Keywords: Motivation teachers’ job performance, recognition, appreciation and professional advancement.




Attitudes of Private School Owners towards Teaching and Learning of Hausa Language in Private Secondary Schools in Taraba State


Ali, Ahmadi Alkali (Ph.D)

Department of Languages and Linguistics, Taraba State University, Jalingo.



This paper was an examination of attitudes of private school owners towards effective teaching and learning of Hausa language in private secondary schools in Taraba State. It was a descriptive design and simple random sampling was used to select five hundred and forty-four (544) sampled respondents from sixteen thousand six hundred and eight (16,608) total population. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, two (2) research questions guided the study, while self-developed questionnaire titled Attitudes of School Proprietors towards Teaching and Learning Hausa Language Questionnaire (ASPTLHLQ) was used for data collection. In order to ascertain the reliability coefficient of the instruments, a pilot test was conducted with the aid of split-half analysis which yielded 63% coefficient. Descriptive statistics was employed for answering research questions and bar chart was used for interpretation of data collected. The findings revealed low economic nature of Hausa language, parents demand for English language, request for global language and better job opportunities as factors instigating negative attitudes of school proprietors towards effective teaching of Hausa language. The study further revealed low interest in local language, inadequate learning materials, low workload, lack of students’ interest in speaking Hausa language and insufficient trained teachers as factors affecting effectiveness of students in learning Hausa language. Therefore, this paper concluded that attitudes of private school owners negatively impact on teaching and learning of Hausa language in private secondary schools in Taraba State. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that school proprietors should be made to adhere to language policy in educational system to ensure promulgation of indigenous languages; and that parents and guardians should teach their children the value of indigenous languages irrespective of dominance of westernization and civilization.

Keywords: Hausa language, economic value, job opportunity, school proprietor, private school, global language.




Nomadic Education Policy: It’s Effects on the Political Integration of the Fulbe Nomads in Nigeria.


Bello Buba

Federal College of Education, Yola.



This study examined the education policy for the nomads in Nigeria, a programme that came along to establish special primary schools and adult learning centres for the children and the adult male and female nomadic communities respectively. Collectively, the nomads engaged into mobilization campaign which was also supported by the foreign agencies such as the British based organisation, Department for International Development (DFID) (Premium Times, 2012) and many others which gave the nomads the opportunity to establish political ties between themselves and the various organizations. It is on this premise that the paper evaluates some silent features that promotes the education policy for the nomads in Nigeria. The paper used discussion approach and concluded that the challenges of the programme notwithstanding, realities on ground favoured continuous development of nomads in Nigeria.

Keywords: Nomadic, Education Policy, Political, Integration, Fulbe.




Application of Information Communications Technology (ICT) in Home Economics Education among Senior Secondary School Students in Azare, Katagum Local Government Area, Bauchi State


Faith C. Okonmah

Home Economics Department, Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare, Bauchi-State.



This study investigated the application of Information Communications Technology (ICT) in Home Economics Education (HEE). ICT plays a fundamental role in an educational sector by offering many opportunities to access universal education that gear toward quality instruction, quality teaching and learning, teacher’s professional development, efficient management and administration of educational systems. The above roles are relevant to advancing the teaching and learning of HEE among Nigerian Senior Secondary School students. The purpose of the study was to investigate the application of ICT in HEE among senior secondary school students in Azare Metropolis, Katagum Local Government Area, Bauchi State. The study employed survey research design. A sample of 120 senior secondary school students participated in the study and they were drawn from the five public secondary schools. The Simple random sampling technique was used to select the public secondary schools and the participants. The instrument used for the study was a researcher-developed questionnaire, titled ICT Application and Home Economics Education Questionnaire (ICTAHEEQ) with fifteen items which address the three research questions that guided the study on a four-point modified Liket rating scale.  The descriptive statistical tool was employed to analyze the raw data using frequency and mean. The findings of the study revealed that HEE teachers do not fully apply the use of ICT in teaching the subject. The findings of the study further showed that ICT has significant influence in the lives of senior secondary school students of HEE. Unavailability of ICT equipment in school’s ICT centres, teachers’ incompetence in integrating ICT in teaching, lack of hardware and software, lack of power supply and high cost of ICT equipment were some of the fundamental challenges confronting the teaching and learning of HEE among senior secondary school students. The study recommended that provision of ICT equipment should be made available in schools as well as in-house training of HEE teachers to be computer literate to integrate ICT in teaching the subject.

Keywords: Home Economics, ICT, Secondary Education, Students, Teachers




Information Needs and Resource Utilization by State Legislators in Legislative Libraries in the Borno and Yobe States


Dr. Magaji, Bappa Isa

Polytechnic Librarian, Federal Polytechnic Bali Taraba State



This study examined the information needs and resource utilization by state legislators in legislative libraries in the Borno and Yobe states. Three research questions and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study was 52 which comprise 50 lawmakers in the two states Houses of Assembly and two librarians in the Houses of Assembly libraries. Since the population is manageable, the sample for the study was 51 respondents were used for the study as such no sampling. Three instruments were used for data collection. A 35 items 4-point Likert scale structured questionnaire, interview schedule and observation checklist were used as the instruments for the data collection. The data collected with the observation checklist and structured interview schedule were used to confirm or refute the findings from the questionnaire. The data collected for this study were analyzed using mean and standard deviations for the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The three hypotheses tested revealed that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of more experienced and less experienced legislators. The results revealed the information needs of state legislators which include need to get information about past legislation; need to know the needs of his/her constituency; information on political and development and issues; information on local government policies among others. The challenges militating against information resource utilization by state legislators to meet their information needs in the libraries were also found. Strategies for enhancing information resource utilization among state legislators in meeting their information needs were also suggested which include that the librarian should introduce members to modern day library services and techniques and acquire current information sources.

Keywords: Information Needs, Resource Utilization, Legislators, Legislative, Library




Influence of Gender Disparity on Students’ Academic Performance in Technical Education of Government Technical Training School, Jalingo, Taraba State


Kaigama G. G.; & Madaki Fxafatirimam.

Peacock College of Education Jalingo



This study was able to investigate the Influence of Gender Disparity on Students’ Academic Performance in Government Technical Training School in Jalingo Taraba State. A sample of 190 students and 10 Teachers was selected through simple random sampling technique. Two research questions were posed to guide the study. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for research questions. The study revealed amongst others that Lack of role model to emulate, greasy and oil nature of technical, fear for engineering courses as it relates to calculations, lack of sex or share future career especially female students, and construction and Inferiority complex among female student influences gender disparity on academic performance and participation of students in government technical training school, Jalingo, Taraba State. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended amongst others that; Efforts should be made to carry out sensitization campaign in print and electronic media to parents and members of the public on issues of gender disparity in Technical-Vocational skilled programmes and its attendant effects on the society in general and the nation in particular.

Keyword: Influence, Gender Disparity, Academic Performance, Technical Education




Assessment of School Facilities Maintenance in Nigeria for the Effectiveness of Teaching Process. (A Case Study of North Eastern Public Senior Secondary Schools)


Mohammad Hassan Garba

Adamu Tafawa Balewa College of Education, Kangere, Bauchi, Nigeria



This study assessed the maintenance of school facilities for effective teaching process in public senior secondary schools in north eastern Nigeria. The researcher interested to determine the extent to which public senior secondary schools utilized preventive maintenance, used replacement maintenance, applied periodic maintenance and consideration attached to emergency maintenance. The study employed cross-sectional survey design and proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. The population of the study is 5121 respondents and the study sample stood at 357 respondents. The study covered all public senior secondary schools in north eastern Nigeria. A self-structured questionnaire was used to collect relevant data. To give the general description of the data, frequency and simple percentages were used for demographic data; mean and standard deviation were used to answer the four research questions and four null hypotheses were formulated and the testing was done using independent sample t-test. The instrument was validated by four experts, two from educational admin and planning and two were selected from test and measurement. The instrument was pilot tested using test re-test method and the reliability index was 0.808. The study concludes that facilities maintenance was in a moderate extent in some state because of their the good Administration and policies. School facilities were in a good shape but currently deteriorated due to poor maintenance of school facilities. It was recommended that both male and female teachers in every public senior secondary school in the state should be encouraged to utilize preventive maintenance in their respective schools. Day public secondary schools’ administrators should use part of their internally generated revenue to support periodic maintenance. Ministry of Education officials should monitor and supervise schools on regular basis to ensure that the four maintenance approaches are put in practice for the effectiveness of teaching process in public senior secondary schools in north eastern Nigeria.

Keyword: Assessment,  Facilities, Maintenance,  Effectiveness , Teaching, and process




Assessments of Scaffolding as an Instructional Strategy for Educational Development in Africa, Nigeria


*Adeniji Ajibola Abidemi; **Dr Banjoko Sunday; & **Dr Akintoye Hakeem

*Integrated Science Department, Federal College of Education, Abeokuta **Department of Science and Technology Education, Faculty of Education, Lagos State University, Ojo



The student academic achievement in both internal and external examination in sciences with reference to Biology is worrisome. The future of Nigeria to move from developing Nations to developed Nations based largely on her scientific breakthrough. The teaching pedagogy used to teach the students must be relevant to the students to achieve optimal goal. The research was conducted on teaching strategies and the use of better instructional teaching strategy to teach the students at secondary school level. The research was carried out using quasi-experimental research designed in the impact of scaffolding in teaching and learning of Biological concepts on students’ academic achievement. The intact class of 132 students were used for the research and categorized into two groups; experimental or treatment group and control group. The experimental group were 19 students and control group were 113 of intact classes. Three null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 alpha level of significance. All the t-cal > t-crit, therefore, the hypotheses were rejected which means there are significant impact of scaffolding on the students achievement when used in teaching and learning of Biology concept. Recommendations were made for teachings, policy makers and stakeholders in education industries to enhance students’ academic achievement and retention of scientific ideology in Biology.

Keywords: Assessments, impact, scaffolding, re-energizing, achievement, system 




Mathematics Curriculum Implementation in Nigerian Junior Secondary Schools


Shehu Lawan

Department of Curriculum and Instructions, Adamu Tafawa Balewa College of Education Kangere, Bauchi State



Implementation is an act of translating the curriculum content to the learners and it is important in achieving the goals and objectives of any curriculum. In this paper the discussion is on the mathematics curriculum implementation in Nigerian Junior secondary schools and the following concepts have being discussed: concept of curriculum, concept of curriculum implementation, factors that enhance the implementation, mathematics curriculum and its developmental stages from traditional, modern to general mathematics, the problem faced at each stage were highlighted and discussed. The paper also discussed the implementation of mathematics curriculum in both public and private schools and some factors which affect the implementation such as: Teachers, unconducive school Environment, Teachers student ratio. Some recommendations were made which include: employment of trained and qualified teachers, regular and thorough supervision and provision of conducive learning environment. Finally, the researcher find out that the level of implementation of mathematics in Nigerian Junior secondary schools affected with so many factors which is caused of failure and phobia of students in mathematics.

Keyword: Mathematics, Curriculum Implementation, Public and Private Secondary Schools.




Mind-Mapping Tools for the Transformation of the Instructional Practice of Teachers in Tertiary Institutions of Sub-Saharan African Nations


Isiyaku Dauda Dansarki

School of Secondary Education (Business), Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi, Kano – Nigeria



The objective of this study was to propose specific mind mapping tools that can support the transformation of teachers’ instructional practice in tertiary institutions of Sub-Saharan African nations. The sample of the study was made up of 212 business education teachers randomly selected from 13 tertiary colleges of Northwestern Nigeria. Based on literature, ten (10) mind mapping tool items were generated and a structured questionnaire titled Mind Mapping Scale (MMS) was developed as the instrument of the study.  Participants of the study were asked to identify from the ten (10) Mind mapping tools itemized in the instrument, those ones that they use in their instructional practice.   Findings have shown that out of the 10 mind mapping tool items proposed, the most familiar to the teachers that participated in the study was mindmup with a meagre 8.5% users, while the most unfamiliar tool item to them was with only 1.4% users. Overall, the study has revealed that the mean ratings of the responses of the participants of the study on the types of mind mapping tools they use in their instructional practice was as low as 4%. The study recommends that teachers in tertiary institutions of the Sub-Saharan African nations should endeavour to familiarize themselves with mind mapping technologies and use them for the transformation of their instructional practice.

Keywords:   instructional practice, mind-mapping, Nigeria, Sub-Saharan African nations, teachers, transformation, tertiary institutions,




The Degree of Confidence to the Use of Virtual Classroom Apps by Teachers of Nigerian Public and Private Secondary Schools.


Binitie Amaka Patience; Onochie Christopher Chukwudi; & Owolabi Abdulhakim

Department of Computer Education, Federal College of Education (Technical) Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria



The Outbreak of Corona Virus Pandemic is now forcing Education sector in Nigeria and world at large to look for alternative ways of teaching, other than the traditional, physical classroom method. There are however many tools that can create a virtual classroom, to enable academic activities to continue.  This study assesses the degree of confidence in the use of various virtual classroom apps in teaching. This study made use of teachers in public and private schools in Oshimili South Local Government Areas of Delta State, Nigeria. The target population consisted of all public and private secondary school teachers. The study was carried out in ten public and ten private secondary schools. The sample comprised of 110 public school teachers and 46 private school teachers given a total sample of 156 respondents. Stratified random sampling technique was used due to ownership (public and private). Descriptive survey research design was adopted. Five research questions and one null hypothesis tested at .05 alpha levels directed the study. Questionnaire titled “Availability and Usage of Virtual Classroom Apps during Covid 19 Pandemic (AUVAC)” was used for data collection. Mean score and t-test were used to analyze data collected. It was observed that teachers are aware of most the virtual classroom tools. Though not fully using them in teaching, but they expressed confidence in their use in teaching. Based on the findings, among others, it was recommended that, teachers should be constantly trained and retrained to ensure that they are up to date with the necessary virtual classroom tools.

Keywords: virtual classroom, corona virus, secondary school teachers, teaching, physical classroom.




Relevance of ICT on Educational Issues for Educational Sustainability in Oyo State Tertiary Institutions


Adeleke Israel Adewale

Department of Computer Science, EACOED, Oyo



As tertiary education is progressively playing a significant role in the development of any nation so also it is devastating and misdemeanor not to recognize the relevance of ICT in tertiary education for any nation agitating to experience sustainable educational transformation. Meanwhile, ICT has been embraced in every field of life as formidable device one cannot do without in this age of science and technology. This paper focused on the relevance of ICT-facilities and educational-issues. These educational issues were categorized into curriculum-issue, students’ affairs issue and academic-staff issue out of which other issues sprang up. Three hypotheses were raised with thirty (30) items as questionnaire in which ten (10) items are for each hypothesis raised to generate the required data for the study. Three hundred questionnaires were distributed to three hundred academic and non-academic staff of the three universities selected within Oyo state and the data collected was analyzed with the application of Chi-square (X2) statistical method at 0.05 alpha level to test the three hypotheses formulated for the study. It was discovered that ICT could not be neglected if the issues with their challenges would be eliminated in order for Nigeria to be partaker of one of the nations that will enjoy sustainable educational development. This is because in hypothesis one, the X2critical value (16.92) was smaller than X2 calculated value (34.10) showing that the null hypothesis is rejected, in the second hypothesis, the X2critical value (16.92) was smaller than X2 calculated value (32.11) showing that the null hypothesis is rejected and in the third hypothesis, the X2critical value (16.92) was smaller than X2 calculated value (52.89) showing that the null hypothesis is rejected.

Keywords: educational-issues, ICT-facilities, sustainable, curriculum-issue and academic-staff




Unfolding the Conditions Face by Teachers and Students in Teacher Training Colleges in Nigeria.


*Idris Hassan Iya; **Muhammad Mansur Shehu; & ***Hauwa Hassan

*Department of English, Adamu Augie College of Education, Argungu **Department of Education Psychology and Counseling, Adamu Augie College of Education, Argungu ***Department of Business Education, Federal College of Education, Kano



It is obvious that the study of English language, despite its position in Nigeria, is deteriorating. This can be evident in the performance of students in English language Examination both at the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examination Council (NECO). There are many problems that lead to the deterioration. These problems accordingto many scholars are lack of good textbooks, qualified teachers, large classrooms e. t. c. This study examines the condition of lecturers and students in the departments of English in the Teacher Training Colleges in Nigeria in other to find out the challenges or the threats the lecturers as well as the students faced in bringing out the quality in them.

Keywords: Unfolding, Conditions, Teachers, Students, Colleges in Nigeria.



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